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‘Uninspired connections, meaningless conversations, sparkless dates’: Is dating rust-out the reason you have not found ‘The One’?

A concept borrowed from workplace lingo, dating rust-out refers to the boredom and fatigue that sets in after a repetitive cycle of sparkless dates, which lack meaningful intimacy. Here's how you can navigate this tumultuous stage

modern dating challenges, overcoming dating fatigue, signs of dating rust-out, dealing with monotony in online datingHere's how you can deal with dating rust-out. (Source: Freepik)
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‘Uninspired connections, meaningless conversations, sparkless dates’: Is dating rust-out the reason you have not found ‘The One’?
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Finding love is not as easy as rom-coms would suggest. Your ‘The One’ is most likely not going to bump into you in a random bar while you’re having drinks with your girlfriends. So, most of us resort to dating apps to fill this romantic void in our hearts — fueled by watching too much How I Met Your Mother, when we can’t even feel the ‘spark’ with another person. And oh boy! If you do enter the online dating realm, you might find yourself dealing with a vicious cycle of uninspired connections, meaningless conversations, and the ever-ominous presence of the ‘talking stage’ — moving from one person to the next.

You know the drill. You download the dating app. You swipe right. Share that unoriginal pickup line and lead from one aimless conversation to the next, before you delete the app — vowing to never download it again or, even better, go on a date with someone perfectly normal — ending up feeling the same dismay. You repeat those dysfunctional patterns as the voice in your head gives you a bleak hope — that there’s someone out there for you. I know the whole process sounds too arduous, which might leave you feeling a bit numb, but it is rather common in modern dating.

As the experts would call it, dating rust-out is similar to the workplace phenomenon of ‘rust-out.’ Unlike burnout which is characterised as ‘exhaustion due to overwork,’ rust-out refers to the feeling borne out of a lack of meaningful work or mundane and monotonous tasks.


So, when Anjana PV, a 25-year-old journalist, experienced this, she was rather unfamiliar with this wary feeling. After a breakup, she decided to check out some dating apps, but all she could gain was disappointment. “Although the initial conversations are great with a few of the matches, it always ends up in a cycle of talking endlessly for days and then ghosting each other. Then, you move on to the next match, ask the same set of questions in the process of getting to know each other, only to get ghosted again,” she says.

This phenomenon has definitely impacted her, says Anjana, who believes it has changed the way she perceives relationships. “I feel there’s no point in trying a lot, or I simply don’t belong in this generation of pointless flings. I haven’t given up hope completely, but I have stopped wasting time counting on it.”

Festive offer

On the other hand, Ritik Jaiswal, a PR professional, says that in the era of digitalisation, dating rust-out has become even more common. “Finding a potential match has become as easy as ordering a slice of cake, thanks to the dating apps. Looking for a novel experience, I tried it out, but after a few dates that I met after a simple swipe, the initial excitement waned. The process felt like a quick game, leaving me with a sense of apathy at the end of each meet-up. It made me wonder if the convenient and easy nature of modern dating apps is taking away the depth and real emotions that make connections meaningful,” he shares.

So, what exactly is ‘dating rust-out’?

A concept borrowed from workplace lingo, Prachi S Vaish, a relationship therapist, premarital, and mindful dating coach explains that in the dating scenario, it refers to the boredom and fatigue that sets in after a repetitive cycle of sparkless dates, which lack meaningful intimacy. “In this era of dating apps where looking for a partner is as tiring as endless online window shopping, rust-out can easily occur when you’re all geared up to meet someone and start something meaningful, but it turns out to be yet another evening of inane conversation, and surface intimacy.”


Quite often, this is mistaken for a lack of interest in a relationship or dating, but according to Sidhharrth S Kumaar, relationship coach, founder, NumroVani, it is a sign of wanting a relationship while not being able to reach that point.

While the cause of dating rust-out varies from person to person, Meenakshi Atawnia, psychologist and founder, The Cognitive Factor, notes that one key reason is the role of traditional media, which has romanticised the idea of dating, leading to unrealistic expectations being set. Additionally, the highly repetitive nature of planning a date, the constant swiping, or monotony in chatting can cause boredom.

What are the tell-tale signs of dating rust-out?

modern dating challenges,overcoming dating fatigue, signs of dating rust-out, dealing with monotony in online dating As the experts would call it, dating rust-out, is similar to the workplace phenomenon of ‘rust-out’. (Source: Freepik)

As per Kumaar, these are the signs one must look out for:

*Pessimism towards dating: The most initial and early symptoms of ‘dating rust-out’ is having a negative perspective towards dating as well as romantic relationships. One loses hope and interest in dating or relationship prospects.


*Lack of emotional intimacy: The experience of dating rust-out can instill a fear that dampens enthusiasm and inspiration to begin new relationships. The residue of past disappointments may linger, creating a reluctance to fully invest in the excitement of fresh starts and budding connections.

*Questioning self-worth: Dating rust-out can also push individuals to question their self-worth, creating self-doubt where one begins to scrutinise and find faults within themselves. This internal critique can significantly impact one’s confidence and outlook on future relationships.

*Exhaustion: The very thought of going on dates may evoke a sense of tiredness or overwhelm. This fatigue, whether mental or physical, makes each date seem like a daunting experience.

How to overcome dating rust-out

The approach to navigate through this phase needs to be proactive and personalised. Here are some steps you can take to overcome this stage, as per Smriti Bhardwaj, a counseling psychologist:


*Press pause: If the rust-out seems intense, take a break from active dating. Pause your dating app notifications, stop actively talking to others, and just spend some time with yourself or your friends.

*Reflect on your experiences: Delve into the specifics — take note of moments where discomfort, boredom, or exhaustion crept in. Taking the time to analyse and understand these feelings can serve as a roadmap.

*Regulate time spent on dating apps: Schedule blocks of time in a day to browse through profiles instead of mindlessly scrolling.

*Break the monotony: For instance, engaging in shared interests like rock climbing or trekking can not only add excitement but also foster a deeper connection as a couple.


*Know what you want: Self-awareness also empowers you to communicate your desires effectively to your partner.

Remember that anything worth having takes effort and time. As you navigate the complexities of dating, embrace the learning curve, be patient with the process, and allow yourself the room to evolve. You can also reach out to a professional and gain further clarity on how to deal with rust-out.

First uploaded on: 27-11-2023 at 13:00 IST
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