Thursday, Apr 04, 2024

Army plans organisation for realistic wargaming, training

At the Army Commanders Conference, which concluded this week, it was also decided to revise the Army’s human resource management policies to facilitate absorption of niche technology with matching training infrastructure.

Indian army, realistic wargaming, war training, Army Commanders Conference, Indian express news, current affairsIt was also decided to explore more opportunities to collaborate with other ministries for optimal utilisation of resources and combine efforts for enhanced capability building and infrastructure development in border areas.

Army Commanders have decided to explore the feasibility of creating a tailor-made organisation to function as an adversarial force to carry out realistic wargaming and training as part of efforts to enhance the force’s combat potential.

At the Army Commanders Conference, which concluded this week, it was also decided to revise the Army’s human resource management policies to facilitate absorption of niche technology with matching training infrastructure.

Other decisions taken at the conference include undertaking organisational and procedural transformation in force to ensure induction and absorption of niche technology towards futuristic capability development where the focus will be achieving self-reliance. In a statement, the Ministry of Defence said that towards this, the Army Design Bureau will be upscaled and separate cells of the bureau are being established at command headquarters.


“To further bolster the initiative, the option of creating a separate fund head will be explored. In addition, test bed brigades/formations will be nominated to ensure greater efficiency and continuity in trials and finalisation of trial reports,” the statement said, adding that future procurements will include aspects catering for holistic sustenance requirements during contract finalisation to ensure lifetime support.

It was also decided to explore more opportunities to collaborate with other ministries for optimal utilisation of resources and combine efforts for enhanced capability building and infrastructure development in border areas.

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The Army Commanders’ Conference is a biannual event, held in a hybrid format, commenced with a virtual session chaired by Army Chief Gen Manoj Pande on March 28 and it was followed by in-person discussions on April 1 and 2.

First uploaded on: 05-04-2024 at 02:41 IST
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