Thursday, Apr 04, 2024

‘Megalithic graves in Telangana disappearing’: Heritage enthusiasts cry for protection

Researchers under Kotha Telangana Charitha Brundam noted that Adraspalle village that had hundreds of megalithic graves now had only about 50 megalithic burials.

Megalithic graves in Telangana, heritage graves in Telangana,, Adraspalle village,A group under Kotha Telangana Charitha Brundam (KTCB) was recently at Adraspalle village in Medchal district that had a large number of megalithic graves when surveyed a decade ago. (Express Photo)

A recent exploration by a team of history enthusiasts revealed the disappearance of several dozens of megalithic burials in a small village of Telangana, underscoring the need for their protection.

The group under Kotha Telangana Charitha Brundam (KTCB) was recently at Adraspalle village in Medchal district that had a large number of megalithic graves when surveyed a decade ago.

graves The team recorded the presence of several graves dating back to the megalithic period, about 2000 years ago. (Express Photo)

However, KTCB convenor Sriramoju Haragopal expressed disappointment over the disappearance of several dozens of burial stones. He said the village. “There are about 50 megalithic burials in this village now. Many more were there. There were hundreds of such burials 10 years ago. Tens of menhirs were there but now there are five or six only,” Haragopal said, attributing this to expanding agriculture activities, real estate, and urbanisation.


The team led by researchers Ahobilam Karunakar, Mohammad Naseeruddin and Korivi Gopal during the recent visit recorded the presence of several graves dating back to the megalithic period, about 2000 years ago.

Megalithic graves in Telangana. Telangana heritage, Megalithic burial, In their latest exploration, the team found out that 18 marbles buried in a circle with slabs related to the grave visible in the middle indicate a cist burial site and menhirs in the vicinity suggested it to be a mass grave site. (Express Photo)

Burial tombs in circular patterns and menhirs (tombstones) of 12 to 14 feet height were found. In their latest exploration, the team found out that 18 marbles buried in a circle with slabs related to the grave visible in the middle indicate a cist burial site and menhirs in the vicinity suggested it to be a mass grave site.

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The group has urged the Department of Heritage, Telangana, to record and document these sites before they are lost forever. “This is a known site but megaliths are all disappearing. The department should conduct a survey, and explore and excavate the site. These should be researched upon and recorded in reports.”

According to him, Adraspalle village is only an example of how the state’s heritage is being destroyed due to neglect.


“This is happening all across Telangana. European researcher EH Hunt, who was a member of the Hyderabad Archaeological Society, had written in his book in 1925 about at least 10 lakh megalithic graves across Telangana. There should be an official record of these,” he added.

KTCB will report the findings to the department for the protection of such megalithic tombs.

First uploaded on: 03-04-2024 at 14:16 IST
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