Apr 04, 2024

Key strategies for effective meal planning

Siddhartha Jana

Busy lifestyles often lead to neglecting basic needs like food, but meal planning can help.

Source: Canva

Planning and prepping meals in advance not only ensures daily dietary needs are met but also controls serving sizes.

Source: Canva

Clinical dietitian Gurkirat Kaur suggests key strategies for creating balanced and nutritious meal prep plans.

Source: Canva

Planning ahead by setting aside time each week to choose quick and bulk-preparable recipes is essential.

Source: Canva

Including a variety of foods from different food groups ensures a wide range of nutrients in your meals.

Source: Canva

Whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats should form the foundation of your meals.

Source: Canva

Prepping ingredients in advance, such as chopping vegetables and cooking grains, streamlines the cooking process during the week.

Source: Canva

Portioning out meals into containers and packing them in advance enables easy grab-and-go options during busy days.

Source: Canva

Planning for nutritious snacks like nuts, fruits, yogurt, or roasted snacks helps keep energy levels up throughout the day.

Source: Canva

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