Thursday, Apr 04, 2024

Family’s delightful lunch takes unexpected turn in Malaysian restaurant

Shawn Cgy, who had taken his in-laws to the restaurant, shared the ordeal on Facebook. He initially commended the chef's adept slicing of the pork.

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During a family outing in Sabah, Malaysia, the dining experience took an unexpected turn as a diner discovered an unwelcome addition to their lunch. While savouring a dish of roast pork with rice noodles, one family member encountered a surprising obstacle – a used plaster cast.

Shawn Cgy, who had taken his in-laws to the restaurant, shared the ordeal on Facebook. He initially commended the chef for his adept slicing of the pork.

“Suddenly, my father-in-law ate a thinner piece of roast pork, and then opened the other side. The wonderful scene appeared. I called the boss lady and asked her “Please ask what this is.” Her first sentence was not to apologize but to go to the kitchen and look at it. Then she came back and said that the worker had plaster on his hand and took the rice noodles. Then the boss apologized and said that there would be germs on the hand,” he shared in his post on Facebook.


While the restaurant owner acknowledged the mistake and offered both an apology and a complimentary meal, the family felt unsettled by the owner’s casual attitude towards the incident, attributing it to challenges in kitchen supervision.

The restaurant owner’s wife tried to reassure the family that there was no need to worry about contamination, and that they could still enjoy their meal. Despite her attempts, the family was disappointed and decided to leave the restaurant.

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Many users shared their own thoughts in the comment section. One user wrote, “I don’t like this shop. Very bad attitude! Thank you for posting these posts.” Another added, “ell her to see how several people have died of food poisoning in Taiwan vegan stores in recent days. Taiwanese police have tested suspected that it was caused by a wound on the hand.”

First uploaded on: 04-04-2024 at 12:07 IST
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